Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Installation problems OpenACS 5.2 on ubuntu

Posted by Arbie Samong on
FINALLY... I saw the light in the dark tunnel 😉 What fixed this was the permissions on the file nsd-postgres. What I did was:
a. Make sure nsd-postgres is also owned by the user running the server. > chown $user nsd-postgres
b. Make sure that user is in a group with the root. I don't think this is important but in my setup the server startup script is owned by $user already. > chgrp $user nsd-postgres
c. Make sure nsd-postgres has read-write-execute (770) permission. > chown 770 nsd-postgres
This has been mentioned in a different post but I forgot where it was. That said post spoke of doing a $>chmod 700 on nsd-postgres, which wasn't enough for me. I'm guessing that it's just my user setup.

I ran into other issues before, but this case was encountered in my try with a vdotlrn appliance for vmware (contains PostgreSQL 7.4 and a OpenACS 5.0 I think). I upgraded those two to make the image at least in a recent version (I got an openacs folder from my colleague). The server is running in Ubuntu Breezy.

My first try in Ubuntu was done in Feisty, which encountered similar issues yelling a similar error.log output. That Feisty install was done by getting PostgreSQL and AOLServer on Feisty repositories (default sources.list), while OpenACS is in 5.3.0. I'm guessing that trying an install on Feisty will likely encounter same issues, and, hence, worthy of the same solution.

Now I can get some good sleep 😉

Posted by Arbie Samong on
PS - I know it is a success because I'm viewing the Site-Wide Administration page now.