"are the profiles dynamically editable?" -- I'm not sure what you mean by "dynamically editable" (could just be early morning ignorance), but students and the PBA can edit profiles and these changes are immediately reflected. Hope that answers your questions.
"Can there be different profiles for the students, depending on the class and/or the role they have?" -- Good question, I forgot mention that right now, there is only one profile firm, so to speak, so all programs fill out the same (or omit) the same info. And there is no role differentiation, but the thumbnails and facebook pages do display whether a user is an admin or a member. This requirement, for different profile forms based on constituency, is not in the spec for PB II, though it is something we know we need for the future. In addition, we need different profiles for faculty and staff.
"Can the students explicitly allow or deny access to each piece of information or is it only per subset area?" -- Yes, there is a great deal of granularity and control given to students. For example, I can unsuppress all personal information, but suppress my portrait or citizenship, which is within personal. Or, I can suppress personal, but unsuppress all education, address and employment, but suppress my home street address. And so on.