Forum OpenACS Q&A: OpenACS as a social network platform?

Has someone developed a social network platform on top of oacs like flickr, facebook or youtube?

Basically I want to allow users to upload content to tag it and to share it with their buddies.

Any ideas?

Posted by Robert Taylor on
I haven't seen one but I have always wondered why.

I would be the easiest platform to dev this stuff on.

I've wanted to take the photos pacakage and turn it into a flickr clone just for learning purposes.

I'd love to see what you end up doing.

Posted by Orzenil Silva Junior on
Hi Nima, Robert

take a look at 23 Photo Sharing - According to the site, 23hq is "a tool to share, annotate and archive their life experiences through photos - and to allow them connect and stay in touch with their friends, relatives and contacts".

As i could see from tech forums posts at, OpenACS is the basis for the entire site. The team behind the tool is here