Hi, Thx Jade I've tried testing only the db_html_select_value_options function. But it throws the same error, that is: invalid command name "util_quote_double_quotes"
while executing
"util_quote_double_quotes [lindex $option $value_index"
(procedure "db_html_select_value_options" line 15)
This "util_quote_double_quotes" is in the text-html-procs.tcl and the weird thing is that it redirect it to a path href="/api-doc/proc-view?proc=ad_quotehtml" and the proc-view.tcl is not in that path. I've think manaly change the path to the rigtht one. But I dont know that is the best thing. The other thing is that the error I notice in the aolserver.log says that a brace is missing in the text-html-procs.tcl, so I just add the brace at the end of the file. Then I reload aolserver and that error does not apear again.
Thanks for your help, I'll apreciate response