Forum .LRN Q&A: How to define a portlet theme in .LRN?

Dear friends,

can anyone tell me how I can define a new theme for the portlet design of .LRNß

Thank you very much.

Best regards,

Posted by Raad Al-Rawi on
Hi Nima

There are 2 parts to creating a new theme:

1. Create the theme template file
In [packages/new-portal/www/themes] create a new .adp file to define the layout of the area that is going to contain the portlet content (note that you are not actually defining the design of the portlet itself, just the wrapper or border).
The easiest way to do this is to copy one of the existing theme files and modify it. Any graphics go in a subdirectory, preferably with the same name as the theme file (without the extension).

2. Register the theme in the database
You then need to insert a record into the portal_element_themes table for the new theme.
I have used the following sql script for this:

into  portal_element_themes
values (
        select max(theme_id)+1 from portal_element_themes

Replace Theme_Name, Description, File_Name and Dir_Name as appropriate.

That should do it! HTH.
