Forum OpenACS Q&A: OpenACS / VMWare Initial Login

Posted by G.W. van der Vegt on

I just completed an installation of John Sequeria's VMware Image and can succselfully connect to the webserver. But i get a page where i should login as admin with an email address/password. I can't find neither email nor password John used.

Can anyone tell me what it is as John took the installation already passed the enter admin email/password dialog.

Btw If i enter a new email/password i get a server error

Posted by Alfred Werner on
connect to the database and 'select * from users' ??
Posted by John Sequeira on
IIRC,  I used the default username and password.

Try system & changeme  ?

Posted by Armando Arroyo on

I was able to follow the instructions layed out here.

Thanks for posting the defualt passwd I was able to log in, mount and install packages.

This info. will be useful for nonprofits who wish to run an opensource cms system.

They can then make or have someone make changes to the vanilla system.

Most packages upon mount and installation need other software to run. e.g. photoalbum needs imagemagick, search needs FtsEngineDriver.

For non technical people if the vmare oacs system had the "whole enchilada" it would make it easier to install and mount packages to be used immediately with no blow up screens.

Thanks for posting instructions and notes on how to do the complete install

Posted by John Sequeira on

I'm glad to hear that the VMWare image helped you out.

The package would be undeniably more useful if it contained installations of supporting software. I've avoided this because it multiplies the maintenance load, and because Oasis without this software still fulfills my goal of introducing OpenACS to Windows users without subjecting them to a course in Unix system administration.

However, there are two improvements I'm considering to make Oasis something that can take a user from kicking the tires to actual openacs deployment, as you suggest. First, I think it'd be better to go with a distribution that made acquiring the extra packages beyond aolserver+pg+tcl as painfree as possible... this is probably either debian or gentoo, because of the way they handle dependencies so much better than rpm. By the time I get around to doing it, Fedora's apt-get might actually work well enough, but I suspect debian's will always be better/more supported. Anyway, I'm slightly more familiar with debian, so that's probably what I'll start with.

The second change is to migrate from VMWare desktop to the open source coLinux virtualization software. coLinux is implementing a lot of VMWare Workgroup feature required to actually *run* production Linux services on your Windows box, as opposed to just developing, trying or testing them.

I haven't had a chance to do any hands-on work with it yet, but I think it's rapidly approaching the maturity required for me to make the switch.