Forum OpenACS Q&A: setting up ssl

Posted by Paul Owen on
Hi, I am trying to set up https, I followed the step in the installation guide. and got this line in the error.log file:

[17/Oct/2003:03:14:53][1218.8201][-nsopenssl-] Notice: nsopenssl: listening on https://hostname (address:443)

and I thought this should be an indication of being successfully listening on the port. However, when I typed in


in my browser, it doesn't come up, it is working perfectly under


in config.tcl, the sample script set the ServerCAFile to ca.pem and ServerCADir ca, however in my serverroot/etc/certs/ folder it only contains certfile.pem and keyfile.pem which is setted up as what is written in the installation guide. is this a possible problem? if so, what should be the content of certfile.pem be?

also, is there anything that i have to set up before I can use the https port to connect to the server?

Thanks a lot

2: Re: setting up ssl (response to 1)
Posted by Paul Owen on
And btw, when I have uncomment

#ns_param  nsopenssl      ${bindir}/

the package management site under acs-admin/apm/ is not it becuase it is assuming that I have to use https to access it?
