I'm just moving from ACS 4.2 where my experience has been that after a few thousand objects the permission system becomes unacceptably slow for some very important (to me) types of queries. I have an ACS 4.2 site with about 800 groups and 300 users. It takes 30 seconds to get a list of groups that a user has permissions on. I do see the wisdom and logic in OpenACS's design. It is a brilliant piece of work and getting better (daily it seems). However, I have not always found it (in ACS 4.2 at least) to be practical to implement packages as originally intended, so I use it in unconventional ways and get the job done quite well.
So, back to my original question with a little clarificationa and extension. Does anyone have experience scaling Photo Album (or any package based on the CR I guess) to tens of thousands of objects? What if any impact does the number of objects in the CR have on the permissions system? Is it possible to have objects that do not inherit permission and thus grow the object-party privilege map view?