With all these happy campers, you would think a few would have released their ideas to the OpenACS community so we could learn from them. Until someone does, why should we be so insistent that Keith follow all the rules and release his code. Are we trying to help Keith, or ourselves here? Just repeating 'CR' doesn't do much to help anyone. Anyway, instead of just saying I am wrong, just point to working examples somewhere that proves I'm totally mistaken. It wouldn't be the first time. Please include with the examples a time estimate: how long did it take to write the package? The fact that it can be done, or that this or that feature is supported is completely meaningless without knowing how much work went in to writing the application, how fragile the code is, how easy it is to modify or understand.
Maybe if a tutorial covered re-implimenting the notes example in the CR and showing all the benefits, how it saves time, etc. that would be a better way of letting someone decide if the CR is good for their application.
Btw, just because something is difficult to use or figure out doesn't mean you shouldn't use it. And once you know it the decision to use it or not for future work becomes easier to make. The biggest benefit of the CR is that it is integrated with OpenACS.