Forum .LRN Q&A: Community name from a package_id

Posted by Dirk Gomez on
I've got the package_id and I want to retrieve the corresponding community name for it.

The packages form a hierarchy and it looks like I need to find a mother package_id before I can join against the dotlrn_communities view.

Can someone point me at a query or proc that pays attention to this hierarchy?

Posted by Tom Ayles on

Does site_node::closest_ancestor_package do what you want?

Posted by Dirk Gomez on
This is in site-wide search, so outside the scope of a package - hence I am looking for a way of doing it in SQL.
Posted by Dirk Gomez on
This here looks ok:

select instance_name from
apm_packages apm
where apm.package_key = 'dotlrn'
and apm.package_id = 310111
and apm.package_id in (select  object_id
  from site_nodes
  connect by prior node_id = parent_id start with object_id =apm.package_id);
Posted by Dirk Gomez on
This PL/SQL function is easier to use:

create or replace function search_get_community_name(
        v_package_id in integer)
    return varchar2
    v_instance_name     apm_packages.instance_name%TYPE;
select instance_name
    into v_instance_name
  from apm_packages apm, (select  object_id
  from site_nodes
  connect by prior parent_id = node_id start with object_id = v_package_id) sn
where apm.package_id = sn.object_id
and apm.package_key = 'dotlrn'
and rownum=1;
  return v_instance_name;
show errors
Posted by Harish Krishnan on
How can we obtain the package_id from object_id?
Posted by Harish Krishnan on
I think the following function would be more general.

create or replace function search_get_community_name(
        v_package_id in integer)
    return varchar2
    v_community_name    apm_packages.instance_name%TYPE;
select pretty_name into v_community_name
from dotlrn_communities_all dca,
(select  object_id
  from site_nodes
  connect by prior parent_id = node_id start with object_id = v_package_id) sn
where dca.package_id = sn.object_id;
  return v_community_name;
show errors