first, i wholly support jeff davis.
second, my suggestions deal more with the learning curve of oacs.
- gather the various, scattered openacs documentation and make sure it's all up-to-date.
- present a clearer community view of best-practices, methodologies, suggestions for site planning and development with oacs. more examples. encourage users to submit case-studies. maybe set up a specific "educational" area of for users to share their suggestions and experiences.
- require packages maintainers to document the scope, requirements, and status of their packages. the community should "certify" packages (ie. a community-recommended package) by reviewing quality, completeness, qa-testing and value. require package maintainers to document and communicate the status of their packages to the community or risk losing certification. clearly document packages that are not certified, and what the ramifications are for using them. encourage users to get their packages certified.
- easier install. i've installed oacs many times on a few different platforms. it's slightly tedious with plenty of finger-crossing.
- offer precompiled binaries for different platforms of the different software pieces required for installation