Forum .LRN Q&A: "What other people see when they click your name"

Hi everybody.

I started testing .LRN 2.0 today. It is very nice. Congratulation.

Is it possible to have an individual html-page of a user instead of something like this:

Nima Mazloumi has been a member of dotlrn @ uni-mannheim since October 29, 2003

Personal home page: /dotlrn/file-storage/index?folder_id=1960&n_past_days=99999

Best wishes,

It is possible. If I'm not utterly mistaken you can use CommunityMemberUrl parameter in the Kernel section of /admin/site-map to point it to some other page. On this page you might want to quickly hack a redirect to the users homepage (which he gives when signing up to the system), if available, and to the normal community member page otherwise.
The community page in .LRN/OpenACS is a key piece of the system, yet it has been neglected after the move from OpenACS 3.x to 4.x

This page should show all the contributions that a single user has made to a community in addition to some basic user information.

I should be able to click your name and I should not only get a listing of all your forum postings, but also all your presentations, all images you have uploaded, all bugs you have posted, all your comments, etc. and this should all be based on what I am allowed to see based on the shared virtual spaces in which we interact. It should give you a image of who I am within the communities we share. This should automatically provide each of us with faceted identities that reflects reality based on our group memberships and interactions within those groups.

We loose something if we make this a plain old html page. If you look at personal web pages (basically what you are proposing here) usually something different happens: you do not get a faceted presentation of self, but you get something that reads like a resume (the kind of things that people are usually comfortable with sharing with everyone).

In summary:
The community page is the keystone of the community system (even though it is VERY sparse at the moment).

Right now if someone wants to include a page within .LRN they could use the shared file storage space.

The page we have now should actually look a little different though (and this has been posted in the bug tracker):

Carl Blesius has been a member of dotlrn @ uni-heidelberg since October 29, 1996

E-mail: crb @                                  [Uploaded Portrait Here]

Personal home page: (this should only show up if the user has a personal homepage)

Public Folder: /dotlrn/file-storage/index?folder_id=1960&n_past_days=99999

Biography: Blah ah ha na blah wah. .LRN/OpenACS awe yah hurrah lah blah spa blah ah ha ha ha.



How can someone implement the "show all contributions of this user to the community" feature? I have read in a few threads that this is a good feature to have and we had it in 3.x.