Forum OpenACS Development: weird problem with bugtracker / workflow


at AIESEC we are experiencing a pretty weird problem with the bugtracker, caused by the workflow module. I would really like your input on the best way to solve this bug:

The actual bug was that no bug report could be displayed anymore, instead returning the Oracle error message "cannot have more than 1000 expressions in a list". This is caused by the following query in /packages/workflow/tcl/case-procs-oracle.xql, called by the procedure workflow::case::role::get_picklist

select || ' (' || || ')'  as label, p.party_id
from   parties p
where  p.party_id in ([join $party_id_list ", "])
order  by label
That $party_id_list has over 1000 items in our installation. It is generated by the following query in /packages/workflow/tcl/implementation-procs.xql, called by the procedure workflow::impl::role_assignee_pick_list::current_assignees::get_pick_list
select m.party_id
from   workflow_case_role_party_map m, 
       workflow_cases c
where  m.role_id = :role_id 
and    m.case_id = c.case_id
and    c.workflow_id = (select workflow_id from workflow_cases where case_id = :case_id)
Now there are two specific points/questions I have about this:
  • For some reason the first query returns information on only a very limited set of party_id's. I.e. if 999 items exist in party_id_list, information is returned only about 30. As far as I can judge, this can only happen if the party_id_list contains lots of ids that are in fact _not_ party_ids. Am I correct? How does this happen?
  • What is the best way to redeem this problem? Right now I am simply cutting off the party_id_list after item 999. This cannot be the solution 😉. I am sure there is a proper way, however I do not feel comfortable enough with the workflow package to judge where to make which changes. Any comments are welcome.
Thanks, Markus
Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
I'm sure you checked for it, but my guess would be that the second query does not create DISTINCT party_ids.
Posted by Dirk Gomez on
Those in lists were a BIG misdecision by OpenForce (it seems they were the ones who started using them).

We should remove them step after step. They lead to contention issues in Oracle due to overly frequent reparsing...essentially we could move back to using string concatenation instead of bind variables.

This bug will sooner or later surface in other packages on the AIESEC site and on every other site if we don't tackle it.

IN subqueries or temporary tables (are they available in PG?) could be a solution. Not an easy task though🤔