Andrew S., in what was way is "SSL with OpenACS not security by
default"? Are you complaining about the install docs, or you just
don't like SSL, or what?
You can handle SSL roughly three ways with OpenACS:
- No SSL, everything is in the clear including the login page.
- SSL only on the login pages, secure, but has SSL only where you
really need it. All ecommerce sites want this.
- SSL on the whole site (except a few particular URLs
(e.g., "/SYSTEM/dbtest.tcl") which you have special reasons for
leaving open). If you have secret or proprietary content all over
your site (e.g., some company intranets...), this is what you want.
It would be good if the stock OpenACS install defaulted to choice 2,
above. I'm not sure whether it does or not.
If you don't want to send password across the net in the clear, then
using SSL on the login pages fixes that. If there is some other
solution which both fixes that, and is preferable to SSL for some
reason, please let us know. I'm not aware of any.