Hi all,
I just noticed the soon-to-become PostgreSQL's 7.4 release notes. Many nice performance improvements (IN now is as fast or faster than EXISTS, among many others) and there are somethings that might affect the toolkit which ought to be checked. The following caught my attention:
# ANSI joins are now better optimized
Prior releases evaluated ANSI join syntax only in the order specified by the query; 7.4 allows full optimization of queries using ANSI join syntax, meaning the optimizer considers all possible join orderings and chooses the most efficient. Outer joins, however, must still follow the declared ordering.
(and in the migration notes):
ANSI inner joins may behave differently because they are now better optimized
The full notes are here: http://candle.pha.pa.us/main/writings/pgsql/sgml/release.html#RELEASE-7-4