Ah, I see. I've never heard of anyone using OpenACS where their
mysite/ URL was
not the same as the OpenACS pageroot URL. So
probably you're trying to do something no one ever wanted to do
before. It is likely feasible, but it might mean hacking the OpenaCS
request processor.
Presumably you have some legacy (before you started using OpenACS)
content which you want to use as your front page? You should be able
to do that regardless. I'd suggest making your AOLserver and OpenACS
page roots match the way most people do and trying things a different
On AOLserver versions, you need 3.3+ad13 for internationalization
support which OpenACS uses. There may be other little reasons why
3.3+ad13 (or soon, 4.0) is required, but I don't really remember. If
you're using it already, 3.5.5 will probably work fine, until you run
into some minor obscure bug. If you have problems just upgrade to
AOLserver 4.0. Currently 4.0 does not have SSL support, other than
that it should be ready to go for use with OpenACS.
You can
the AOLserver email list.
There is lots of AOLserver virtual server info scattered in
all sorts of places. For what you want, AOLserver 4.0 is probably the
simplest choice, it will let you run both snyderworld.org and
snyderworld.net within a single AOLserver process.