Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Has anyone tried to upgrade a 4.6.3 to 5-HEAD?..

Posted by Andrei Popov on
Here's some hand-crafting I've done so far:

1. modified acs-tcl/tcl/security-proc.tcl to use old ad_maybe_return_for_redirect code

2. manually modified ad_locales table:

upg=# alter table ad_locales add column enabled_p            boolean;
upg=# alter table ad_locales alter column enabled_p set default 't';

3. manually created all of acs-authentication tables:

<blockquote> psql -f authentication-create.sql upg

<blockquote> psql -f authentication-package-create.sql upg
<blockquote> psql -f batch-job-tables-create.sql upg
<blockquote> psql -f acs-authentication-create.sql upg

4. sumlinked acs-authentication/tcl/ to acs-tcl/tcl:
<blockquote> ln -s ../../acs-authentication/tcl/* ./

5. modifying acs-subsite/lib/login.tcl to comment out lookup of UsePasswordWidgetForUsername

This gets me as far as being able to login (sortof), but fails on cc_users.username in one of the selects...

Posted by Andrei Popov on
obviously, (4) depricates (1) and s/sumlinked/symlinked/