Alright! I found the reason why some links are broken. When mounting a site under the Gatekeeper-Package:
1. You get a strange behavior if you mount a sub-directory and links inside this directory link to content in parent directories.
2. Only relative URL should be used within the pages that are mounted. I did these changes to the website and it works very well.
Regarding phpMyAdmin or phpPgAdmin (for PostgreSQL) the problems where of another kind:
1. phpMyAdmin the config file had using gzip for outgoing pages set to TRUE so the pages where compressed which causes problems for the Gatekeeper since it assumes that the page is not of type text/html and the IExplorer opens a Download popup window. I turned this feature of and now it works very well.
2. Regarding phpPgAdmin the reason that the Navigation didn't work is the fact that in the browser.php file the path to the server is set via {$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}. I deleted this part and now it works perfectly.
I will try to get this footer and header problem work.