I came across this query in ad-security.tcl where the insert has a
returning into statement on the end. I changed it as shown, but
wondering what returning into statement is supposed to do?
# set dml "
# insert into sec_${kind}_properties(${kind}_id,
property_name, property_value, secure_p)
# values([ad_get_${kind}_id], '[DoubleApos $module]',
'[DoubleApos $name]', '', '[DoubleApos $secure]')
# returning property_value into :1
# "
set dml "
insert into sec_${kind}_properties(${kind}_id, module,
property_name, property_value, secure_p)
values([ad_get_${kind}_id], '[DoubleApos $module]',
'[DoubleApos $name]', '', '[DoubleApos $secure]')
Dan Wickstrom