Managed to finally get AOLServer 3.0RC2 and Postgres 7.0 Beta 3
loaded and running. I've pulled the latest CVS copy of ACS/pg
yesterday from sourceforge and built my DB and apart from a parse
error in events.sql, everything seems to have been loaded
I start Aolserver up fine, and checking the server log shows that it
it is loading a number of the tcl files successfully form the acs/pg
tcl directory.
When I try an load index.tcl I get a "500 - Server error" message
appear. Checking the logs, I find the message "Error: tcl/user-group-
defs.tcl: function ug_serve_group_pages: first element in url_list is
not [ad_parameter Groups Directory ug]"
If I call up any static html files AOLServer serves them fine.
Any ideas where my error is?