I have a question about the use of db_multirow and the <multiple> tag. The background of the question is that I am trying to extend file-storage to have a simple file "check-out" and "check-in" capability -- I've got a team of people working together on a large project involving MS Word documents, and we need to ensure that only one person is making changes at a time (because Word can't do a decent merge!).
Okay, so I created a new table, fs_checkouts, with the following definition:
create table fs_checkouts (
file_id integer
constraint fs_checkouts_fk references acs_objects
constraint fs_checkouts_pk primary key,
user_id integer not null
constraint fs_checkouts_user_fk references users,
date_out timestamp(1) not null
default current_timestamp(1),
comment varchar
Then, I extended the "select_folder_contents" query in folder-chunk-postgresql.xql, as follows--this is what appears in <fullquery>, and its results are returned in an array called contents, using db_multirow:
select fs_objects.object_id,
to_char(fs_objects.last_modified, 'Month DD YYYY HH24:MI') as last_modified,
fs_checkouts.user_id as checkout_user,
fs_checkouts.date_out as checkout_date,
fs_checkouts.comment as checkout_comment,
cr_revisions.description as revision_comment,
registered_users.first_names as checkout_firstname,
registered_users.last_name as checkout_lastname,
when type = 'url'
then acs_permission__permission_p(fs_objects.object_id, :viewing_user_id, 'delete')
else 't'
end as delete_p,
when type = 'url'
then acs_permission__permission_p(fs_objects.object_id, :viewing_user_id, 'write')
else 't'
end as write_p
from fs_objects
left outer join fs_checkouts
on fs_checkouts.file_id = fs_objects.object_id
left outer join cr_revisions
on cr_revisions.revision_id = fs_objects.live_revision
left outer join registered_users
on registered_users.user_id = fs_checkouts.user_id
where fs_objects.parent_id = :folder_id
and exists (select 1
from acs_object_party_privilege_map m
where m.object_id = fs_objects.object_id
and m.party_id = :viewing_user_id
and m.privilege = 'read')
order by fs_objects.sort_key, fs_objects.name
My intention is that I can now include in the folder-chunk table variables such as @contents.revision_comment@, and get the text of the comment attached to the live revision; or,
<if @contents.checkout_date@ ne "">@contents.checkout_date@ by @contents.checkout_firstname@ @contents.checkout_lastname@: mailto:"@contents.checkout_comment";</if>
However, I am finding that my new variables are not appearing in the array. I think that the query itself is sound, because I have tested it with my own user id and the id of the parent folder separately in psql.
Can anyone help me understand why my new variables are not being included in the contents array?
Thanks much,
Shawn Harrison