Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to dp_process and nested transactions...

Posted by Don Baccus on
If you take a look at the thread at web/db, you'll see I've pointed out another whole area where transaction-busting seems to take place, i.e. the use of utility routines like ad_categorize_row inside transactions.  In fact, the document suggest using multiple calls to ad_categorize_row in some cases, which the reader will naturally put inside a transaction, which naturally busts the transaction.

The paradigm I'm using myself is to build up a list of dml statements, then execute them all within a transaction at the top level:

set dml [list]

hammer_the_db $dml parameters...

hammer_it_again $dml parameters...

with_transaction $db {
  foreach dml_stmt $dml {
      ns_db dml $db $dml_stmt
} {...error handling...}

retaining the convenience of the utility routines while not screwing up transaction semantics by nesting "begin/end transaction" statements.

This could be made even simpler with a proc that takes a list of dml statements, called something like:

transact $db $dml {...error handling...}

where dml was built up as in my earlier example.


I don't know if the aD folks are taking my reports seriously, though they will if they actually implement Jin's notion of  having the driver flag an error if a "begin" dml statement is issued from within a transaction - they'll get errors all over the friggin' place if they do this.