I think I could write a script that would build the new
tree sortkeys in 2 or 3 statements and flop them in without
a problem. (basically you pull the current ones out and renumber in a tmp table, set all the current ones to the id, then update the ones with context_id not null which should be robust, reasonably fast, and not at all difficult). Oh, drop the triggers first as well...
I suppose I should write a TIP for it since it should be
approved (and I am not sure if people want this to go in
for 5.0 or not). It does make a big difference difference
(and is essential for anything openacs.org size or bigger)
and I don't think the code or the upgrades are at all
difficult but I know people want 5.0 to ship as well.
Btw, do table locks in plpgsql have the same problem
as select for update?