Forum OpenACS Development: Re: acs_object__new slowness...

Posted by Jeff Davis on
Ok, select for update it is. I will do some concurrency testing as well and see if I can break it.

If by level 0 you mean null, then I think there is a good reason for things with context_id null to have a non-null tree sortkey.

Say you want all the parents of e given a heirarchy

Node   level0    level1
a      Null      1
  b    1         1.1
c      Null      2
  d    1         2.1
    e  1.1       2.1.1
if a and c are level 0 then as you walk up you have no way of picking out a or c as the parent of e, whereas in the case of all tree_sortkeys starting at level1 it's just the same as the other parents...

I also think given how many are null (~20% for realistic data sets -- a problem in itself really) the optimizer would have better statistics if there are no null tree_sortkeys. although I guess with postgres partial indexes can make that much less of a problem.