I don't want to say a heck of a lot in a public forum, where anything critical I say might be misunderstood by any PG developers who wander by to see what we're up to (Lamar and I keep touting the ACS and AOLserver to those folks).
They have organized Postgres, Inc. I don't think the model they've chosen is the correct one. Apache Foundation and similar approaches make more sense to me. Postgres, Inc also has done some things that might be described as tacky. Banner ads on their forum archives, for instance. That's kind of a trailer-trash approach to funding Open Source software, IMO. They've not been effective in getting money in the door and out to developers in the form of contracts, etc.
7.1 is scheduled for late summer, but personally I don't think it will happen unless the list of stuff to be done is pared down, or some way to speed the development process.
Beyond that, yesterday I raised the subject privately with Ben, and at my prodding Brent asked Lars a question regarding any interest aD might have in helping fund PG development (and did so in a very nicely-worded way. Good job, Brent). At the moment, all I want to say is that speeding PG development's on my mind, but I don't have any answers.