I'm not aware of any easy way to do it in Oracle, either, although
it's been a long time since I really dug into it.
In Oracle you definitely can use sqlplus to connect with with DBA
priviliges, find all the queries running, and kill sessions to make
them stop. But that's nothing like automated, and it definitely gives
you no real way to track that back to an OpenACS user_id that
requested the page that ran the query.
Generally you never need to do this, not on most database backed
websites or other OLTP style application anyway. However, this sort
of "kill the runaway query" functionality can definitely be useful in
a large data warehouse, say. Especially when you're developing a new
query, and, oops, just did a cartesian join of several tables each
with millions of rows...
But anyway, easier ways to kill runaway queries would be nice, but
it's very unusual that you'd ever need to do so or even really care
enough to want to. Developing a new query on a Dev server or in
sqlplus is the only time I've ever really seen it. (If on the other
hand you have a data warehouse type system that accepts arbitrary SQL
queries from end users... Ok, then you'd better worry about being
able to kill runaway queries.)
And in Oracle I think if you kill the client process
(AOLserver or sqlplus), the query should be aborted, so for
development that's usually the quickiest and easiest way by far to
stop hosing your server. Oh wait. That could be completely wrong, I
don't remember. A least sometimes, the query keeps going even after
the AOLserver or Sqlplus client process is gone, but I don't remember
if that's the normal behavior or only happens when something goes
wrong. Regardless, in practice, even during development, it's fairly
unusual to need kill a query manually (using your Oracle DBA Sqlplus