Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Using XML clobs in OpenACS

Posted by Dirk Gomez on
Have you actually worked with XML datatypes Barry? I haven't yet seen much code for it save an article for Oracle Magazine. My gut feel is that they may be interesting for content that is truly hierarchical, but not for "networked" content like acs_objects. Eventually I want to be able to associate every object with every other object in the system (paying attention  to permissions of course).

Oh, and my other gutfeel is that they don't perform well on retrieval and are more used to trasport data in between systems.

Posted by Tom Jackson on
Eventually I want to be able to associate every object with every other object in the system...

Dirk, your solution of adding an attribute to acs_objects will not allow you to do this, at most you will be able to associate an object with one other object, and the association will be of an unknown type (or a single type). Or maybe you can explain how it will work.

Also, repeating data in a parent table (acs_objects) is denormalizing in the wrong direction isn't it?

Posted by Dirk Gomez on
That:s a bit taken out of context. The association business has to do with relational model vs. hierarchical model. If we were to use XML strictly it is practically impossible to associate entities in a way you can do in a  relational model.

Why is repeating data in a parent table the wrong direction for denormalization?