Forum OpenACS Q&A: bin/translate-ini...

Posted by Don Baccus on
The ad.tcl file Ben translated from ad.ini using the provided
AOLserver3 utility has comments stripped out.

Is it my imagination, or has someone written an alternative that's
more user friendly and keeps comments?

If someone knows, and can point it to in the right direction, I'll
make an ad.tcl with comments and update the CVS tree...

(if no one knows, I'll go dig around the and web/db
forums for an answer).

Posted by Ben Adida on
yes, there is one, but before I found out about it I also abstracted out a few things in ad.tcl, so don't just replace it :)
Posted by Don Baccus on
Yeah, I noticed, I was offering to do some actual work by keeping your  variables for system name, etc!

If you're planning to do it, I won't bother.  Just do it soon :)

Or (hint) tell me where the better translate lives...

Posted by Ben Adida on
no no, please go for it! I think Rob Mayoff's page has it, if I remember correctly.