Thanks Gustaf,
It worked perfectly, we get correct IPs stored in database now.
Just one correction for those who plan on adding this patch.
- There is no peer_addr only peeraddr should be used.
- The adconn -set peeraddr should be set in
adproc -private rp_filter
ad_proc -private rp_filter { why } {
This is the first filter that runs for non-resource URLs. It sets up ad_conn and handles
session security.
} {
# Initialize the environment: reset ad_conn, and populate it with
# a few things.
ad_conn -reset
ad_conn -set request [nsv_incr rp_properties request_count]
ad_conn -set user_id 0
ad_conn -set start_clicks [clock clicks -milliseconds]
# Start of patch ReversedProxyMode
ad_conn -set peeraddr [ns_conn peeraddr]
if { [ns_config -bool ns/parameters ReverseProxyMode 0] } {
set addr [lindex [ns_set iget [ns_conn headers] x-forwarded-for] end]
if {[string length $addr] > 0} {
ad_conn -set peeraddr $addr
# End of ReversedProxyMode