Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Catching Up

2: Re: Catching Up (response to 1)
Posted by Don Baccus on
Yes, the test server is using the automated test package.  There hasn't been any (or much, at least) work on it but we will be integrated tclwebtest for 5.1, so we can do page-level as well as API-level testing.  While there's not been much done to the testing package, people *have* written a bunch more tests using it.

So you guys can take pride in that you've made a lasting contribution to the OpenACS testing effort, even if none of us ever got around to buying you a pint as a "thanks"!

SOAP/web services is, as always, being nibbled at by folks.  I don't personally know the status ...

PG doesn't have tablespaces, yet.  There's always been "ln -s" level support for putting different tables on different disks but I imagine you (like me) feel that this is an inadequate implementation :)  I don't think PG 7.4 will have it but I'm fairly certain 7.5 will.