Forum OpenACS Q&A: Best Practice for Module Upgrade w/ CVS

I am trying to figure out the best way to upgrade a single module using CVS and vendor imports.

So I would like to download the latest version of workflow from CVS on and check it into my local CVS repository as a vendor import.

I suspect there is a one line or two line command for doing this, but I am not seeing it.



Posted by tammy m on
Something like this
	cd $OACS_DEV_ROOT/packages/whatever_package
	cvs import -m "Importing whatever_package, Version X.X" openacs/packages/whatever VendorName VendorReleaseTag
	Checkout a working now.
		cd ..
		mv whatever_package /tmp
		cvs -q checkout -d whatever_package $CVS_OACS_MODULE/packages/whatever_package
		(e.g. cvs -q checkout -d classified-ads openacs/packages/classified-ads )

	cd $OACS_DEV_ROOT/packages/bcms
	cvs import -m "BCMS, Version 0.2" openacs/packages/bcms JunYamog contrib__2003-04-26
	cd $OACS_DEV_ROOT/packages/classified-ads
 	cvs import -m "classified-ads, received in email, author Deds Castillo, Version 0.1d" openacs/packages/classified-ads Infiniteinfo unknown	

Look at dotlrn cvs docs and Andrew Piskorski's cvs docs for great examples and detail on this and more;)

Posted by Mark Aufflick on
Those linked in CVS docs aer great - I was always stuck using the CVS menu in emacs.

I have formatted the emacs page from MarkD's pages ( to neatly fit inside the cover of the Oreilly  Pocket Reference series (like the excellent GNU Emacs Pocket Reference).

You can find PDF and Postscript (better) copis of my file here:

Posted by Carl Coryell-Martin on
thanks for the links and suggestions.