Forum OpenACS Development: Stop privacycontrolenabled resetting itself

This is OpenACS 5.3.2

PrivacyControlEnabled keeps on being reset to 1 on my system on what seems like a weekly basis. As soon as this happens my users lose the ability to use the forums. Any idea on how to stop this from happening? I've dug around the forums and this is the closest I came but it doesn't really solve my problem I don't think.

Is this only relevant to forums in subsites as the rest of my forums seem unaffected by it.

Thanks for any help.


Posted by Dave Bauer on
Are you using .LRN?
Posted by Matthew Coupe on
Yes sorry, dotLRN 2.3.1.
Posted by Dave Bauer on
.LRN has a curious "feature" that resets certain things when the AOLserver restarts. Check out packages/dotlrn/tcl/dotlrn-init.tcl

All of the code in there needs to be moved to APM callbacks one of these days.

Posted by Matthew Coupe on
If I change the default value in the relevant .info file will that solve the problem? I looked at that dotlrn-init file during my investigations and couldn't work out which bit to change.