While it is possible to run openacs now depending on username rather than email, and thus letting the user to be registered without a valid e-mail address. (E-mail address CAN be null)
Many of the system utilities should be fixed to check the e-mail address before sending anything for the user.
I added a not null constraint on the acs_mail_lite_queue.to_addr (which is logical!)
bulk_mail:sweep has sent a user on the server over 3000 repeated messages in one night because one other user (on the recipients list) has a null e-mail address (so the procedure broke and the status of the message stuck pending)
Here how I solved it,
# both html and plain messages can now be sent the same way
if {[exists_and_not_null to_addr]} {
acs_mail_lite::send \
-to_addr [ns_set get $recipient email] \
-from_addr $from_addr \
-subject $subject \
-body $message \
-extraheaders $extra_headers
I guess many other places should include this check?
Or any other fixing way you suggest??