Forum OpenACS Q&A: multiple definitions of util_memoize?

Posted by tammy m on

Is it normal/ok to get the following notice on first startup of AOLserver when installing OACS? I'm finally at the point of creating a test server and don't recall if I got this message on my dev server initial build!

[19/Nov/2003:09:17:01][30799.1024][-main-] Notice: Multiple definition of util_memoize 
    in /www/nsroot/or-test/packages/acs-tcl/tcl/memoize-procs.tcl 
    and /www/nsroot/or-test/packages/acs-bootstrap-installer/bootstrap.tcl
[19/Nov/2003:09:17:01][30799.1024][-main-] Notice: Installation is not complete 
    - sourcing the installer.
Posted by Randy O'Meara on
Hi Tammy,

Yep. It appears, and has for some time, during a normal install.


Posted by tammy m on
Thanks Randy,

Now that I've slowed to think about it, it does make sense not to cache things when installing;) Guessing that is what this likely should have meant to me!