Hello, this thread is interesting. I have been (lazely) looking for a virtual hosting solution for more than a year (I experimented nsvhr but one of my web servers is IIS on Micro$oft Win2k, the other 2 being AOLServer 3.3-ad13 on RedHat 6.2, and running an ACS3.2 site).
Pound seems like a good solution.
Just one question : I'm concerned about logging and keeping the originating IP in the web server log. I see on the Pound page that it adds an "X-Forwarded-for: client-IP-address".
How can I have Webalizer (my web server log analyzer) use this header so I can keep on seeing the variety of people that come to my site ? Is it a configuration in AOL-Server ? A patch ? A ns_filter ?
If you could point me to a page with some info about that, I would be thrilled ! 😉
Thank you.