Forum OpenACS Q&A: ns_mkdir missing in AOLserver3...

Posted by Don Baccus on
Do we have a solution for this, either from aD or from our own group?

Ecommerce, among other things, uses it.

Posted by james shannon on
It seems to be working for me(homepages are working, and i tried testing that call specifically). Not sure if it was hacked in by aD or was part of aolserver.

I just did some grepp'ing to see if it was proc'ed in one of the tcl files, and it doesn't look like it.

Though, it seems that the sdm makes use of it.

motif1:~# /web/aolserver/3rc1/bin/nsd -V
AOLserver version 3.0rc1
  Platform:        linux
  Built:          Mar 20 2000 at 17:35:59
  Tcl version      7.6
  Thread library:  pthread

Posted by Don Baccus on
Hmmm...the server I tried still has a beta AOLserver3, I think.  I didn't even think of that, I suppose I should upgrade, eh?  It probably got put back in after aD found out it was missing.

Thanks.  I'd grepped around looking for it myself so knew it wasn't in the AOLserver 3 utilities file in the ACS tcl library.