Hello Nima,
my answers/comments are here below:
Maurizio, it works now. Maybe you should do something about the postgres password you have entered in the config.tcl. For testing it might be easier to change pg_hba.conf to use trust instead of md5 from localhost.
[MM] The password I put is just an example. People should be able to modify by themselves the config.tcl file as well as the postgres configuration files.
Some problems I came across:
A problem are the usage of *nix commands like gunzip and others in OpenACS. This breaks stuff like APM and file-storage.
[MM] Fair enough. This is Windows after all. A solution could be install MinGW/MinSys and make the unix like commands available on the Windows PATH enviroment variables.
Everytime I install a package I am asked to enter the password of postgres for each *-create.sql in the shell.
[MM] Correct
I installed xowiki (required several packages like acs-datetime, acs-event, xotcl-core, rss-support, file-storage, oacs-dav, categories, general-comments...). After restart oacs is broken. Apparently xotcl 1.6.0 is not loaded. Any idea why?
[MM] In my original distribution the XOTcl support wasn't the default. I've just rebuilt the system making sure that xotcl 1.6.0 is loaded, please let me know how it goes.
Usage of developer support crashes nsd. No idea why.
[MM] Beats me.