Forum OpenACS Development: Using templating <group> tag with list-builder

I'm loving the list-builder.

One question: is there a way of doing the equivalent of an .adp <group> tag in list-builder?

It would be very sweet if it were possible.

Currently, I cludge around it using display_template { } and putting the group tag in there. It works, but then the striped bands for the table don't work any longer.

I document how I do this at

Is there a better way of doing this?

Posted by Jun Yamog on
Hi Jade,

I think there is a groupby option.  I haven't used it, but you can try and look around for it.

Posted by Jade Rubick on
There is a group by option, but it's semantically like SQL's group by option, rather than the templating <group> function.


Thanks, Jun. Any other ideas? Should this be a feature suggestion, then? Or has nobody else done this before?