Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Large Error Logs

4: Re: Large Error Logs (response to 1)
Posted by Mark Aufflick on
There have also been discussions about making logging more granular so they don't have to get so darn big all the time!

I haven't been able to find those threads by searching the forums, but they are there somewhere.

5: Re: Large Error Logs (response to 4)
Posted by Jeff Davis on
I changed a lot of the more verbose and generally less useful notice messages to debug (or removed them entirely).

If you run a server with debug off your logs grow quite slowly now.

6: Re: Large Error Logs (response to 5)
Posted by Bruce Spear on
Here's a little solution, in perl, written my buddy Manfred that might help you.

1. Create a logrotate file that archives the error.log daily on a 7 day rotation and notifies you via email.
2. Have cron run it daily


# Rotieren der Logfiles

use File::Copy "mv";


($day, $mon, $year, $wday) = (localtime) [3,4,5,6];
($shh, $smm, $ssec) = (localtime) [2,1,0];
$mon += 1;
$year += 1900;

$datum = "$year$mon$day-$shh$smm$ssec";
$dst = "$LOGDIR$LOGFILE.$wday";

$MAILF = "/tmp/logrotate.$datum";
open (DEBUG, ">$MAILF") or die "$0: Can't create $MAILF $!\n";
print DEBUG "$0 Report to Bruce:\n";

print DEBUG "Operation starts: $shh:$smm:$ssec\n";
print DEBUG "mv $src $dst\n";
mv ($src, $dst) || die "$0: mv ($src, $dst) failed\nreason: $!\n";

$cmd = "/usr/local/bin/svc -h /usr/services/service0/etc/daemontools/";
@res = `$cmd`;
print DEBUG "Sending HUP signal to service.\n$cmd\n@res\n";
print DEBUG "success.\n";
close DEBUG;


sub fini {
        system ("/usr/bin/Mail -s \"[log] $day.$mon.$year \" mailto:boylston\ <$MAILF");
        unlink ($MAILF);
        exit 1;
/bin/su -c /usr/services/tools/ - service0