well, here's what OpenACS.org runs on: a dual Pentium II-400
w/256 MB RAM and 2 Ultra2 SCSI drives. Only one SCSI
interface, I know, bad, but that's the way it is. Also, since I'm not
sure I trust mirroring software for Linux just yet, the drives aren't
mirrored. The data is backed up from one drive to the other on a
nightly basis, and I can boot from either drive in case one fails.
pg_dump happens around midnight, and the backup to the other
drive happens around 3am.
In the near future, we're going to be moving to the server
ArsDigita donated to help us with OpenACS. Single Pentium III
(not sure what speed exactly), with mirrored drives. It's a VA linux
box. I've heard good things about both VA and Penguin boxes for
Linux, and they both offer hot-swappable drive bays with RAID
controllers, so I'd recommend that if you have the cash.