Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: automated navigation with etp

Posted by David Kuczek on

I might be messing around a lot with this crap, but I kinda like it 😉

What I did was to enhance ad_context_bar so that it also transports the package_id of each context bar step and called it ad_navigation_bar. Now I am trying to combine this with etp::get_content_items.

My example ad_navigation_bar looks like this:

{/ Home 262} {/product/ Product 2436}

I am using a foreach loop to first etp::get_content_items -package_id "262" and then etp::get_content_items -package_id "2436"

But how can I append the second etp::get_content_items either a.) to the end of the first etp::get_content_items or even better b.) get it inbetween the first one, where it originally belongs to (below /product/)...???
