I think we should add the following to 0-acs-init.tcl
if {[string equal {} [info commands domNode]]} {
if {[ns_info version] == 3} {
ns_log Error "0-acs-init.tcl: domNode command not found -- libtdom.so not loaded?"
} elseif {[ns_info version] > 3} {
if {[catch {set version [package require tdom]} errmsg]} {
ns_log Error "0-acs-init.tcl: error loading tdom: $errmsg"
} else {
foreach {major minor point} [split $version .] { break }
if {$major == 0
&& ( $minor < 7 || ($minor == 7 && $point < 8))} {
ns_log Error "0-acs-init.tcl: please use tdom version 0.7.8 or greater (you have version $version)"