I have a problem with the OpenACS - instead of the opening page
it shows 'error in serving group pages'.
When I try to login (by '/register/index.tcl') as the 'system' user,
then I get 'server configuration error'. I get also errors when
I try to register some other user, though I manged to register
Can anyone give me some suggestions on where to look for a solution?
I am running AOlserver 3.0, PostgreSQL 7.0.2 and OpenACS beta 3
on a RedHat 6.0 system. The computer is not connected to
any network yet, so it is localhost.localdomain (if that matters).
The installation went smoothly, AOLServer is working fine,
the same for Postgres.
My error log looks like:
Errors since 30/May/2000:21:57:19
Error: nsd.tcl: invalid set id: ""
invalid set id: ""
while executing
"ns_set size $all_the_redirects"
invoked from within
"ns_log Notice "/tcl/ad-redirect.tcl has found [ns_set size
invoked from within
"if !$ad_redirects_installed_p {
# we haven't done this already
set ad_redirects_installed_p 1
# we could use ad_parameter_section (define ..."
(file "/web/gpspl/tcl/ad-redirect.tcl" line 12)
Notice: nsd.tcl: sourcing: /web/gpspl/tcl/ad-referer.tcl
Error: nsd.tcl: can't use non-numeric string as operand of "&&"
can't use non-numeric string as operand of "&&"
while executing
"if { !$address_book_procs_scheduled_p && [ad_parameter
SendBirthdayAlerts addressbook] } {
set address_book_procs_scheduled_p 1
# schedul ..."
(file "/web/gpspl/tcl/address-book-defs.tcl" line 205)
Notice: nsd.tcl: sourcing: /web/gpspl/tcl/adserver-defs.tcl
Error: nsd.tcl: expected boolean value but got ""
expected boolean value but got ""
while executing
"if {[ad_parameter EnabledP ccstub]} {
proc cc_send_to_server_21 {command in_data out_data} {
stub_cc_send_to_server_21 $command $in_data $out_da ..."
(procedure "ccstub_enable_stub" line 2)
invoked from within
Notice: Running scheduled proc ad_partner_initialize...
Error: /tcl/user-group-defs.tcl: function ug_serve_group_pages:
first element in url_list is not [ad_parameter GroupsDirectory ug]
Notice: nsd.db: opening: postgres:localhost::testdb
Error: /tcl/user-group-defs.tcl: function ug_serve_group_pages:
first element in url_list is not [ad_parameter GroupsDirectory ug]
Notice: Querying 'begin transaction;'
Error: nsd.tcl: expected boolean value but got ""
expected boolean value but got ""
while executing
"if {[ad_parameter NotifyAdminOfNewRegistrationsP]} {
# we're supposed to notify the administrator when someone new
set notification_ ..."
(file "/web/gpspl/www/register/user-new-2.tcl" line 228)
invoked from within
"source $script"
invoked from within
"if ![file exists $script] {
ns_returnnotfound $conn
} else {
source $script
(procedure "ns_sourceproc" line 3)
invoked from within
"ns_sourceproc cns5 {}"
Notice: Querying '
select user_id, token, secure_token,
last_ip, last_hit from sec_sessions
where session_id = 1;'
Error: /tcl/user-group-defs.tcl: function ug_serve_group_pages:
first element in url_list is not [ad_parameter GroupsDirectory ug]
Notice: Querying 'select * from referer_log_glob_patterns;'
Error: nsd.tcl: can't use non-numeric string as operand of "&&"
can't use non-numeric string as operand of "&&"
while executing
"if { [ad_parameter UsersTableContainsConvertedUsersP] &&
$converted_p == "t" } {
# we have a user who never actively registered; he or she was
(file "/web/gpspl/www/register/user-login.tcl" line 67)
invoked from within
"source $script"
invoked from within
"if ![file exists $script] {
ns_returnnotfound $conn
} else {
source $script
(procedure "ns_sourceproc" line 3)
invoked from within
"ns_sourceproc cns14 {}"
Notice: Querying '
update sec_sessions
set last_hit = 959717449
where session_id = 1;'
Error: /tcl/user-group-defs.tcl: function ug_serve_group_pages:
first element in url_list is not [ad_parameter GroupsDirectory ug]
Notice: Querying '
update sec_sessions
set last_hit = 959717528
where session_id = 1;'
Error: /tcl/user-group-defs.tcl: function ug_serve_group_pages:
first element in url_list is not [ad_parameter GroupsDirectory ug]
Notice: Running scheduled proc wd_mail_errors...
Error: nsd.tcl: can't use non-numeric string as operand of "&&"
can't use non-numeric string as operand of "&&"
while executing
"if { [ad_parameter UsersTableContainsConvertedUsersP] &&
$converted_p == "t" } {
# we have a user who never actively registered; he or she was
(file "/web/gpspl/www/register/user-login.tcl" line 67)
invoked from within
"source $script"
invoked from within
"if ![file exists $script] {
ns_returnnotfound $conn
} else {
source $script
(procedure "ns_sourceproc" line 3)
invoked from within
"ns_sourceproc cns18 {}"
Notice: exiting: no waiting connections
Error: nsd.tcl: can't read "QQemail": no such variable
can't read "QQemail": no such variable
while executing
"ns_db 0or1row $db "select user_id, user_state, converted_p from
users where upper(email)=upper('$QQemail..."
invoked from within
"set selection [ns_db 0or1row $db "select user_id, user_state,
converted_p from users where upper(email)=upper('$QQemail..."
(file "/web/gpspl/www/register/user-login.tcl" line 17)
invoked from within
"source $script"
invoked from within
"if ![file exists $script] {
ns_returnnotfound $conn
} else {
source $script
(procedure "ns_sourceproc" line 3)
invoked from within
"ns_sourceproc cns19 {}"
Notice: AOLserver/3.0 stopping.