Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Win32-OpenACS Version 1.8
Concerning (b): please add the log statement as indicated in my last posting to see which files are searched where.
concerning (d): please tell me the version of categories you are using.
btw, xotcl has only problems with (d), when categories are used. But this is just a nit, we want to get a full working system.
about point (b) the function seems to attempt the proper file (i.e. the file name is correct).
What I noticed is that there's a difference between the Postgresql and Oracle caes about how the file names are built.... may be this is the cause of the problem.....
please have a look at the following code:
d_proc -public db_load_sql_data {{
-dbn ""
-callback apm_ns_write_callback
} file } {
Loads a CSV formatted file into a table using PostgreSQL's COPY command or
Oracle's SQL*Loader utility. The file name format consists of a sequence
number used to control the order in which tables are loaded, and the table
name with "-" replacing "_". This is a bit of a kludge but greatly speeds
the loading of large amounts of data, such as is done when various "ref-*"
packages are installed.
@param dbn The database name to use. If empty_string, uses the default database.
@file Filename in the format dd-table-name.ctl where 'dd' is a sequence number
used to control the order in which data is loaded. This file is an
RDBMS-specific data loader control file.
} {
switch [db_driverkey $dbn] {
oracle {
global env
set user_pass [db_get_sql_user -dbn $dbn]
set tmpnam [ns_tmpnam]
set fd [open $file r]
set file_contents [read $fd]
close $fd
set file_contents [subst $file_contents]
set fd1 [open "${tmpnam}.ctl" w]
puts $fd1 $file_contents
close $fd1
cd [file dirname $file]
set fd [open "|[file join $env(ORACLE_HOME) bin sqlldr] userid=$user_pass control=$tmpnam" "r"]
while { [gets $fd line] >= 0 } {
# Don't bother writing out lines which are purely whitespace.
if { ![string is space $line] } {
apm_callback_and_log $callback "[ad_quotehtml $line]\n"
close $fd
postgresql {
global tcl_platform
set pguser [db_get_username]
if { ![string equal $pguser ""] } {
set pguser "-U $pguser"
set pgport [db_get_port]
if { ![string equal $pgport ""] } {
set pgport "-p $pgport"
set pgpass [db_get_password]
if { ![string equal $pgpass ""] } {
set pgpass "<<$pgpass"
if { [string equal [db_get_dbhost] "localhost"] || [string equal [db_get_dbhost] ""] } {
set pghost ""
} else {
set pghost "-h [db_get_dbhost]"
set fd [open $file r]
set copy_command [subst -nobackslashes [read $fd]]
close $fd
set copy_file [ns_mktemp /tmp/psql-copyfile-XXXXXX]
set fd [open $copy_file "CREAT EXCL WRONLY" 0600]
puts $fd $copy_command
close $fd
if { $tcl_platform(platform) == "windows" } {
set fp [open "|[file join [db_get_pgbin] psql] -f $copy_file $pghost $pgport $pguser [db_get_database]" "r"]
} else {
set fp [open "|[file join [db_get_pgbin] psql] -f $copy_file $pghost $pgport $pguser [db_get_database] $pgpass" "r"]
while { [gets $fp line] >= 0 } {
# Don't bother writing out lines which are purely whitespace.
if { ![string is space $line] } {
apm_callback_and_log $callback "[ad_quotehtml $line]\n"
# PSQL dumps errors and notice information on stderr, and has no option to turn
# this off. So we have to chug through the "error" lines looking for those that
# really signal an error.
set errno [ catch {
close $fp
} error]
# remove the copy file.
file delete -force $copy_file
if { $errno == 2 } {
return $error
# Just filter out the "NOTICE" lines, so we get the stack dump along with real
# ERRORs. This could be done with a couple of opaque-looking regexps...
set error_found 0
foreach line [split $error "\n"] {
if { [string first NOTICE $line] == -1 } {
append error_lines "$line\n"
set error_found [expr { $error_found || [string first ERROR $line] != -1 || \
[string first FATAL $line] != -1 } ]
if { $error_found } {
global errorCode
return -code error -errorinfo $error_lines -errorcode $errorCode $error_lines
nsodbc {
error "db_load_sql_data is not supported for this database."
default {
error "db_load_sql_data is not supported for this database."
About point (d) the version of Categories I'm using is 1.1.2d3 .
Hope it helps,
Seems as if the following sequence leads to the problem
set fd [open "|[file join $env(ORACLE_HOME) bin sqlldr] userid=$user_pass control=$tmpnam" "r"]... close $fd
Do you have the sqlldr under [file join $env(ORACLE_HOME) bin sqlldr]
Are the provded parameters ok (e.g. the $tmpnam)?
Concerning (d): You are using the head version of categories, where it seems, that the column "widget" was not added in the Oracle version. Although i hate add something to CVS, which i cannot test, i added the column in the Oracle creation procs. Please get the head version from CVS and test it with Oracle. If the error is gone, i will apply the same fix to the oacs-5-4 branch, which has apparently the same problem.
1. The first problem was due to $tmpnam (which was wrong: in Vista you can't write files wherever you want).
To fix it I had to introduce the following change:
# set tmpnam [ns_tmpnam]
set tmpnam [ns_mktemp /tmp/ctl-XXXXXX]
2. Your correction to the categories Oracle creation procs worked.
Thanks a lot for your help!
i count current 77 occurrences of ns_tmpnam in OpenACS and its packages. These places will have the same problem, so the fix is not sufficient in the general case. Since ns_tmpnam is implemented in C, it is most probably the best solution to address the problem in the aolserver implementation. Again, as i do not have a WIN32 environment, please test the following replacement of NsTclTmpNamObjCmd() in aolserver/nsd/tclfile.c. With this fix, set tmpnam [ns_tmpnam]
should be ok again.
-gustaf neumann
int NsTclTmpNamObjCmd(ClientData arg, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]) { #ifdef WIN32 /* The WIN32 implmentation of tmpnam() ignores the environment variable TMP and generates filenames for the root directory. Unfortunately, new WIN versions (Vista) don't allow this. The suggested replacement is _tempnam(). The first argument of _tempnam() is the default directory, in case the environment variable TMP is not set or points to a directory that does not exist. */ char *buf = _tempnam("/tmp", NULL); if (buf == NULL) { Tcl_SetResult(interp, "could not generate temporary filename.", TCL_STATIC); return TCL_ERROR; } /* The documentation says that _tempnam() allocates memory via malloc(); to be sure, that the "right" free() is used, we do not use TCL_DYNAMIC but the TCL_VOLATILE followed by the manual free(). */ Tcl_SetResult(interp, buf, TCL_VOLATILE); free(buf); #else char buf[L_tmpnam]; if (tmpnam(buf) == NULL) { Tcl_SetResult(interp, "could not generate temporary filename.", TCL_STATIC); return TCL_ERROR; } Tcl_SetResult(interp, buf, TCL_VOLATILE); #endif return TCL_OK; }