Forum OpenACS Q&A: OACS Talk In Seattle; please join me

I will be making a presentation and leading a discussion about the OACS to the Seattle 501 tech community on Thursday December 11th.

You are all invited to show up, I would love to see some of the OACS community show up.

Also I would love to see any presentation materials that you might have.

After I speak, I will post the slides online and link back to this forum.

This talk will cover the major features of the OACS and what makes them worthy of attention and will hopefully serve as a jumping off point for a discussion about toolkits and best practices for building websites in general.

When:  5:30-7:30pm Thursday Dec 11, 2003
Where: Large Conference Room
          Nickerson Marina Building
          1080 W. Ewing Place, STE 300
          Seattle WA 98118
      (when you get to the building, take the elevator to the third floor.
Food:  Phil Klein will order pizza etc.  Donations are appreciated.

Hope to see you there,

Carl Coryell-Martin

ps: feel free to share this with anyone else you think might be interested.