hi, I'm trying on tclwebtest for acceptance tests as well, and like you I like to run it outside of aolserver.
I got the server parameters in this (really ugly) way:
# determine the server address
# open the config file to determine the server parameters
set file [open "../../../etc/config.tcl" r]
while {[gets $file line]!=-1} {
if [regexp {set address} $line] {
eval $line
# address is set
if [regexp {set httpport} $line] {
eval $line
# httpport is set
if [regexp {set port} $line] {
eval $line
# port is set
if [regexp {set server} $line] {
eval $line
# server is set
if {![info exists address] || ![info exists httpport]} {
if {[info exists server] && [info exists address($server)] && [info exists port($server)]} {
set server "http://[set address($server)]:[set port($server)]"
} else {
error "Error parsing config file!"
} else {
set server "http://${address}:${httpport}"
And I did not put my files into automated-testing, but in packages/<my-package>/tests/ instead so it is bundled with the package it's meant for. Surely this will have to move once there is a real testing framework in place for the whole of oacs.
As for the contents of the testsuite I just kind of "click around" through the pages, seeing that I cover all the pages, all the functionalities, some/most of the error messages on wring input etc.
The main concern I have which made me using this is breaking some code somewhere without noticing it, like you change a proc somewhere or mass update something in 20 files and in 1 page it breaks for some obscure reason. I don't want the client to find that out.