Uggh, this was going to come up for sure :) Well, I'm going to
claim Open-Source disease on this one.
I'd love to have a stable release schedule, but since I'm also
heavily involved in turning OpenForce into a real company, and
since the entire OpenACS workforce is part-time (can you believe
it? it's easy to forget), it's hard to stick to a particular schedule.
But that doesn't mean we shouldn't aim to do better. The SDM
does make some attempt to enforce release schedules, and I'll
try to stick to it more religiously.
Here's my thinking for now: OpenACS 3.2.2 final will be released
Monday, June 26th. Don, you better be checking in some code :)
Expect a massive revamp of the OpenACS web site somewhere
around July 15. Unless it pains someone too much, let's not
even port ACS 3.3. I want to move ASAP to the ACS 4.0 modular
architecture. Hopefully, by collaborating more closely with aD
(hint hint), we can release OpenACS 4.0 almost simultaneously
with ACS Classic. But I'm not making any promises on this one
just yet....