Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Awesome 5.0 SW Install - Almost Works!

Posted by Walter McGinnis on

A follow up question (or perhaps a bug) on the nightly build of  Even though 1.3 states that the packages is at version .3 and HEAD is listed as one of the tags, the manifest reads .2.  Looks to me like a tagging/branching issue. 1.2 is at .2 and it is also the branching point for oacs-5-0.

Is this correct behavior for the manifest?

Posted by Randy O'Meara on

Lars did a "one time" build (dated above) of the repository. As far as I know, the repository is not being rebuilt, though it's probably time to set this up. I, for one, would like to use the install-from-repository feature. In fact, I do use it for quick looks at packages and then do a regular CVS co if I want to work with the package.



Posted by Lars Pind on

At a minimum, we need to build the repository on every release, e.g. 5.0.0, 5.0.1, etc.

Alternatively, we can auto-build it every night, although if you're not on a release (and we don't have one yet), you shouldn't be using repository-install.

And if you are on a release, then the contents of the repository will only change when the next release.


Posted by Jeff Davis on
I rebuilt the repository yesterday against the openacs-5-0-0b4 tag so automated installs should work a little better now. (although the back button still messes up the checkboxes for me as well and missing dependents means you have to back and untick instead of just having the option of going forward without the packages whose dependencies are not satisfied).