Forum OpenACS Q&A: [OCT] Topics for 2003-12-10 meeting

Posted by Jeff Davis on
How about:
  • Release status (as usual), and in particular what the final decision on TIP 35 is.
  • TIP votes/resolutions
  • Roadmap (we did not reach a conclusion here last week).
Here are the outstanding TIPs:
18-search order for master tag
33-deprecate payflowpro is passed (I think)
34-seperate application logic and UI, no objections but I
   think it needs to be clarified somewhat.
35-release rules (see above)
36-Design patterns for reusable includes (Discuss first, 
   clarify if needed)
37-Queries in XQL file conventions (probably should just vote       
Posted by Jeff Davis on
And on TIP #34, Lee Denison is doing funded work which requires a new UI for forums for which they are working on now so if we can clarify this one he will be doing the work...
Posted by Lars Pind on
Blocking bug:

#1144 (duplicated users in cc_users view): what's the status? The bug is still open, according to the bug-tracker.

There are 13 severity 2 bugs total, of which some are ecommerce and other packages not related to this release.

Also, resolved bugs need to be closed.
