Hi Ryan,
I`m glad you like it. Sorry about these lines; I`m going to remve these from the code.
Actually it`s very simple to write a callback. It`s based on the object_type you want to map. Take a look at the file /tcl/maps-callback-procs.tcl and see the implementations for organization and dotlrn_community. The callback must supply the following fields:
-object_id: The Id of maped object
-url: The URL to access this object (maybe somebody could use the service contract API to get it)
-pname: Object name
-message: Localized message to access this object, meaning something like "Access this object"
These parameter must be upvar'd in an array named map_info.
To insert a maped object, access the link maps_instance/admin and see the options.
Post here if you have any doubts